on the move in 1996

  • san diego, january '96
  • sarasota, april '96
  • morristown, may '96
  • atlanta, may '96
  • washington, d.c., may '96
  • hong kong and macau, may/june '96
  • san diego, august '96
  • amsterdam, september '96
  • rye, ny, november '96

    san diego, january '96, winter usenix technical conference

    hong kong and macau, may/june '96

  • 16th ieee international conference on distributed computing systems
  • 3rd ieee international conference workshop on services in distributed and networked environments

    san diego, august '96

    i spent a week with my old friends george sugihara and joan hall. they have a beautiful family, emily , nicholas, and peter . george enjoys the good things in life . we worked hard all week. honest.

    amsterdam, september '96, CARDIS '96

    i attended a two-day workshop on smartcards , held at cwi in amsterdam . the workshop banquet included a tour of old dutch stuff, like windmills and wooden shoes and old places . there was a boat ride (not too long or unpleasant) on the zaan . there is a group photo and more pictures of windmills on this page.

    i stayed at the tulip inn oost . my room had a "german toilet" , which i found amusing. here is the view out my window. the hotel was very comfortable and conveniently located, but if you ever stay there, bring your own alarm clock, and just forget about getting any messages.

    amsterdam is a great place, very easy to get around. i had one free day in amsterdam, which i spent shopping at some gigantic department store, mostly . i also walked and walked. i saw a guy even grungier than me . i saw canals and narrow streets . i saw remnants of political activism . later, i had dinner alone , then saw a movie, "breaking the waves" which has alot to do with Being Careful What You Wish For, and God's Retribution, but is really about Total Love and Making The Ultimate Sacrifice. if you like crying at the movies, don't miss this one.

    rye, ny, november '96, acm mobicom '96

    i helped to organize the acm second international conference on mobile computing and networking, by organizing a demos/prototypes session, so people could show off their cool stuff.

    last updated 14 jan 97

    this picture ended up on the same roll ... someday, i'll move it to the right place.